This article applies to Adviser Representatives (AR) only. If you are a client and wish to take any actions in this article, please contact your adviser or Netwealth.
Netwealth’s limit order functionality for international shares gives you greater control over the price at which your clients’ trades are executed. You can set maximum or minimum prices for buying or selling securities, ensuring your clients get the price they want when trading across 16 global exchanges. This guide will walk you through the steps to place buy and sell limit orders and how to manage multiple trades.
In this guide we cover:
How do I place buy orders at limit?
Login and use the search bar to search for the desired client.
1. From the top menu bar, navigate to Transactions > Buy & Sell > Buy International Shares > +Add Share to place a new order.
2. By default, the new order will be placed as 'At Market' order. Untick the 'At Market' checkbox to place limit order.
3. Enter the asset code, quantity and limit price at native currency and click 'Submit'. If the asset code is not known, please refer to the Share Calculator section.
All orders, including At Market and At Limit orders, expire at market close.
There is a tolerance limit for the limit price entered. Limit price must not be greater than the tolerance limit from the current market price.
Japan and Hong Kong orders have a minimum lot size. This is a minimum amount of units required to buy or sell.
4. Multiple orders can be placed at a single time by selecting '+Add Shares'. A new order line will be created.
5. Once all orders have been placed, click 'Submit'.
6. On the order summary screen, review and confirm your orders by clicking 'Confirm'.
7. When orders are confirmed, you'll receive the order confirmation.
8. To view the orders placed, return to the client portfolio 'Pending' screen.
9. Click on the 'Detail' button on the individual order line to view in detail.
10. From this detailed screen, you have the option to Cancel if trades are in Entered status.
Once orders move into 'Submitted' status, orders cannot be cancelled.
Share Calculator
1. If the asset code is not known, navigate to Transactions > Buy & Sell > Buy International Shares and select the calculator icon.
2. Search the asset code or name in the search bar.
3. Enter the quantity and price limit in native currency. Hit the 'Update Order Pad' button to return to the Buy Order screen.
4. Continue with the steps from the Buy Order screen.
How to I place sell orders at limit?
1. From the top menu bar, navigate to Transactions > Buy & Sell > Buy International Shares > +Add Share to place a new order.
2. By default, the new order will be placed as 'At Market' order. Untick the 'At Market' checkbox to place limit order.
3. Enter at limit price and quantity to sell.
All orders, including At Market and At Limit orders, expire at market close.
There is a tolerance limit for the limit price entered. Limit price must not be greater than the tolerance limit from the current market price.
Japan and Hong Kong orders have a minimum lot size. This is a minimum amount of units required to buy or sell.
At Limit order cannot be placed when a number of units sold does not match the lot size. Odd lot order will be defaulted back to At Market order.
4. Multiple orders can be placed at a single time by selecting the ticked box on the right side associated to an order.
5. Once all orders have been placed, click 'Submit'.
6. On the order summary screen, review and confirm your orders by clicking 'Confirm'.
7. When orders are confirmed, you'll receive the order confirmation.
8. To view the orders placed, return to the client portfolio 'Pending' screen.
9. Click on the 'Detail' button on the individual order line to view in detail.
10. From this detailed screen, you have the option to Cancel if trades are in Entered status.
Once orders move into 'Submitted' status, orders cannot be cancelled.