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How can I transfer between Wealth Accelerator Core and Wealth Accelerator Plus?

Core to Plus:

If you or your client have a Wealth Accelerator Core account, you may instruct Netwealth to transfer the entire account to Wealth Accelerator Plus via the Transfer Form. If you transfer, you then have access to all of the investment options available within Wealth Accelerator Plus. Once the transfer is completed, the administration fees for Wealth Accelerator Plus apply to the entire account balance held within the Wealth Accelerator account. You should see the Wealth Accelerator Guide for details of these fees.   


Plus to Core:

If you or your client have a Wealth Accelerator Plus account, you may instruct Netwealth to transfer your account to Wealth Accelerator Core via the Transfer Form. The investments are then restricted to those available through Wealth Accelerator Core. If there are Wrap Service investments in the account that are not available through Wealth Accelerator Core, by instructing Netwealth to transfer your account to Wealth Accelerator Core, you are also instructing Netwealth to redeem or sell all Wrap Service investments not available in Wealth Accelerator Core and to invest the proceeds into the cash account, until you provide Netwealth with further investment instructions.

The transfer is not effective until all the redemptions and sales of Wrap Service assets are completed. Therefore, if you have illiquid Wrap Service investments in the Wealth Accelerator Plus account, then you will not be able to transfer to Wealth Accelerator Core until those investments can be redeemed or sold. Once the transfer is complete, the administration fees for Wealth Accelerator Core apply to the entire account balance held within the Wealth Accelerator Core account.

Non-custodial asset administration is not a feature available to Wealth Accelerator Core accounts. Upon transfer to Wealth Accelerator Core, Netwealth will inform the asset manager of any non-custodial assets that Netwealth have ceased to administer the asset(s) on your behalf.

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