Access a comprehensive range of investor reports, such as portfolio performance and asset allocation, individual asset movements and income. You can report at an individual account level or view consolidated reports for linked accounts.
Step 1: Navigate to your client reporting suite
Navigate using the main menu to ‘Reports and Statements’ to view the ‘Generate report’ page.
Step 2: Select account/s to report on
Select one or more accounts from the dropdown. You can also select closed accounts, if they exist, by clicking on the drop down above the account selector.
Step 3: Complete your ‘Global settings’
It is recommended that you establish your preferred ‘global settings’ before you generate your first report. These are default report settings that apply to every report you generate, removing the need to re-enter them every time you create a report.
- Select the ‘Global settings' button which will display the right-hand side informational panel.
- Select the ‘Common settings’ tab to set preferences that apply to multiple reports. These include settings like: report format, performance calculation method, and the addition of benchmarks.
- Select the ‘Report specific settings’ tab to add preferences that apply only to one particular report, as listed.
- Any changes made are automatically saved.
Advanced tip: Hover over the question mark icons to learn more about the setting.
View further information on each setting available in ‘Global settings’.
Step 4: Select report period
Select your preferred reporting period by clicking the calendar icon. Either use a pre-set date range or choose a custom period.
Note: Your chosen period is automatically saved for the next time you generate a report.
Step 5: Select and generate your report
- Click the ‘Generate' button next to the report of interest. This will utilise your report preferences from ‘Global settings’.
- Alternatively, select the report to display the right hand-side information panel where you have the freedom to override your ‘Global settings.’ Click the ‘Generate’ button at the bottom of the panel to generate your report.
- Reports are processed in the background, so you can continue to generate additional reports whilst others are being processed.
View a description of all available reports
Advanced tip: Favourite reports by selecting the star icon next to the generate button on your chosen report. This handy feature ensures your most commonly used reports always stay at the top of the list, conveniently located for quick access.
Step 6: Download report
Once generated, reports are conveniently located on the Reports page. Here you can view completed reports, as well as monitor the progress of reports currently being processed. Generated reports remain visible in the ‘Reports’ page for a seven-day period.
- Track the status of generated reports. The status of generated reports are:
- Completed – the report has been generated and is ready for download.
- In progress – the report is currently being generated. This status will update on-screen when processing has finished.
- Partially complete - if separate reports have been selected for multiple accounts (rather than a single consolidated report), any report that fails to generate for an account(s) will be excluded from the report output.
- Failed – the report has failed to generate. You will need to re-run the report later.
- Click the download icon for your chosen report to download it, keeping in mind that any report with a 'completed' status can be downloaded.
Advanced tip: If you wish to review the specifics of the generated report, such as the date it was generated or the settings applied, select the desired report to to view these details in the right-hand side information panel.